Feminist Perspectives on Peace Building: through HER actions - the open discussion at Villa Lewin

On 7.3.2023 at Villa Lewin (August-Bebel-Str. 48a) Friedenskreis Halle e.V. as part of our Engagiert für Frieden und Entwicklung project has organized the open discussion on
the topic Feminist Perspectives on Peace Building: through HER actions.

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Bericht von Milica, unserer internationalen Freiwilligen aus Serbien (englisch)

Volunteering at SCHIRM in the charming city of Halle has been a truly remarkable experience. As a facility that caters to socially disadvantaged young people and homeless youth, SCHIRM is a beacon of hope for those who have faced marginalization and labelling from society. With many of the users living on social transfer payments and having grown up outside of the parental household, SCHIRM aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment that offers necessities such as warm meals, laundry facilities, and showers. Moreover, the social workers at SCHIRM offer a listening ear, emotional support, and collaborate with the young people to create personalized plans for their future.

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Foto: Podiumsdiskussion
v.L.: Reem Alrahmoun (Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen-Anhalt); Christiana Steiner (Seebrücke Halle); Eike Bretschneider (Sea Watch); Neeske (Sea Watch); Marilyn Lürtzing (Moderation, Friedenskreis)

Bericht: Zivilie Seenotrettung – Kinoabend mit Sea Watch im Puschkino

Am 07.03.23 hat ein Filmabend über das Thema „Zivile Seenotrettung“ zusammen mit Sea Watch und den Mittelmeermonologen im Puschkino stattgefunden.
Der Abend war sehr gut besucht, nur wenige Plätze im Kino waren noch frei. Die anschließende Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertreter*innen von Sea Watch, dem Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen-Anhalt und der Seebrücke Halle unterstrich noch einmal, wie wichtig Engagement jeder einzelnen Person in der heutigen Zeit ist, um so die Situation im Mittelmeer zu verändern.
Doch das ist aktuell nicht die einzige Baustelle. Engagement ist in alle Richtungen unglaublich wichtig, „Zivile Seenotrettung“ ist eine davon. Herzlichen Dank für die Realisierung des Abends an alle beteiligten Personen.


Zwischenseminar der Outgoing Freiwilligen in Mali Idos/ Serbien

Anfang März haben unsere Freiwilligen ihr Zwischenseminar absolviert und somit die zweite Hälfte ihres Freiwilligendienstes begonnen. Einladen konnten wir ebenso eine Freiwillige der Organisationen pax Christi Aachen, die ihren Freiwilligendienst in Nordmazedonien absolviert.

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Bericht von Elmira, einer internationalen Freiwilligen aus Bosnien

Uh, when I look back it looks like it was long time ago, but actually it is only five months. Five months of life in Halle, in Germany, and I can say it is one of the best opportunities and decisions in my life. As a long time volunteer in ''Association for prevention of addiction NARKO-NE'' from Sarajevo, I knew a lot about Friedenskreis from Halle and their work. So, watching that all, I have made a decision to apply for volunteering in Germany. I was waiting to apply for two years because COVID-19 has made it take longer. Thanks to my sending organisation ''NARKO-NE'', now I'm here enjoying and living a life, life full of everyday learning and growth, life where I have found myself.

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Bericht über unser Zwischenseminar in Mühlhausen

Intermediate seminar, Mühlhausen, 23. - 27.01.2023, Income volunteers

The seminar for international volunteers organized by the Friedenskreis took place in the small town of Mühlhausen, in the federal state of Thuringia. In that house, like a small castle, we had the Reflection seminar, which aimed to encourage us to question our social, political, and emotional experience after a few months of our arrival in Germany.

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Bericht von Bojana Malinovska über ihren Freiwilligendiienst

My volunteering story started at the end of September 2022. Cold night at Belgrade bus station waiting for the bus to take me to what I saw as a turning point in my life. I was scared and thrilled about journey that lies in front of me. I was a bit worried how I will do my daily activities in a new environment, will people understand me because my initial lack of German language skills and will I be able to integrate in a new society that is in numerous ways different comparing to the habitat that I came from.

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Bericht über ein Saminar zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit im Kreativraum KrimZkrams in Halle

In the creative space KrimZkrams in Halle, the volunteers gathered on 8th of December to attend the seminar about sustainability. They were firstly invited to explore the inspiring space and get to know what are the guiding principles of kunZstoffe – urbane Ideenwerkstatt e.V.  (https://kunzstoffe.de/)
Then the participants were encouraged to present their own ideas as the possible solutions to the challenges connected to sustainable development. The coordinators of the workshop explained these challenges through stories from everyday life.

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