Bericht von Elmira, einer internationalen Freiwilligen aus Bosnien

Uh, when I look back it looks like it was long time ago, but actually it is only five months. Five months of life in Halle, in Germany, and I can say it is one of the best opportunities and decisions in my life. As a long time volunteer in ''Association for prevention of addiction NARKO-NE'' from Sarajevo, I knew a lot about Friedenskreis from Halle and their work. So, watching that all, I have made a decision to apply for volunteering in Germany. I was waiting to apply for two years because COVID-19 has made it take longer. Thanks to my sending organisation ''NARKO-NE'', now I'm here enjoying and living a life, life full of everyday learning and growth, life where I have found myself.

If somebody asks me, I'm volunteering in the coolest Kindergarten. I'm so in love with the concept that my Kindergarten has, I'm so grateful that I'm there and everybody has accepted me. What is the most important - kids have accepted me! They are all so kind to me and I must say that they're helping me a lot with language and show me that language is least important when there is a will, respect and love. To be honest, I can't wait to see what another part of my voluntary service will bring to me.


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