Living in your own and volunteering, Fitore about her volunteering service at Lebens(t)raum e.V. WG 2
Changes are always challenging. I always wanted to try what I can do and what I can not. When I applied for this amazing program, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and to face my fairs out there. For me those 6 months have been really powerful and teach me a thousands of new things, even though I was working from a really young age and taking care for the budget of my family, but living alone far away from my parents, hometown it was my first time.
To be adapted in a city like Halle it is not difficult, because Halle is a small city, where you can find everything that you want in the center of the town which is 7 minuts by walking from where I live. The advantages of Halle are that If you meet someone, the opportunity or the chance to meet that person again are so big, and for sure you meet again on the tram, on the market, on the street ,on the bar, biblothek and everywhere.
Halle make me know myself more, make me know how to manage anger, how to avoid conflict, how to communicate, how to raise my voice when I have right, how to protect what is belonging to me, how to ask for what I want otherwise I would never have it.
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