Zdravo da ste

„Zdravo da ste“ is an association of citizens, established back in 1996, as a group of professionals, volunteers and dedicated individuals who are helping people in need of support for development. We support the right on development of children, young and adults through group and developmental activities realised on a territory of our country. We believe that by supporting the group development we are supporting the individual development and contribute to development of community.

Zdravo da ste works through two main programmes: Child rights programme and Youth centres development programme. In our work we use various methods, from research, monitoring, advocacy and analysis to directs daily work on non-formal education and creative development. We rely on human rights framework and sustainable development, with an emphasis on creative potential of evey individual and community development as an ongoing process based on needs of all involved.

Our Youth centre in Banja Luka is the only youth centre operating daily since 1996, established as a drop-in centre with various educational, creative and recreational activities striving to offer young people a safe place to spend quality free time, express and explore their talents and interest, non-formal educations, mobility and intercultural learning, as well as a platform to initiate and support their own initiatives and actions. Organisation is well linked with similar organisations working in the field of youth work, in the country as well as on the European level. Providing more opportunities for our young beneficiaries and striving to enhance their voice in public sphere.

During the month of August, we are organising various workshops, every day throughout the month, in the outside public space, to promote activities and involve entire community in a sort of outdoor festival called “Creative August” with volunteers, creative individuals, partner organisations and beneficiaries of all ages.

Our volunteers and assistants help as respond to the needs and interests of young beneficiaries organising mentoring work and support in learning, creative workshops in the field of paining, photography, comics and graphite, creative handcraft, literary promotions, music. Also, non-formal education is the frame for organisation of educational activities related to languages, IT, design, sexual and reproductive health, human and child rights, counselling, sustainable development and environmental issues, sports, explorations etc.
Intercultural exchange and mobility are a part of our work, and we host and send volunteers and organise events, study visits and liaison between young people from the country and abroad.

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