Monatsbericht von Alexander

Mein Name ist Alexander Likic und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Nach dem Schulabschluss habe ich mich entschlossen ein soziales Freiwilliges Jahr in Brcko, Bosnien zu machen. Ziel meines soziales Jahres war es die Patnerorganisation Svitac zu unterstützen, Erfahrungen zu sammeln und neue internationale Bekanntschaften zu schließen.

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Mareikes Bericht

Travelling - it leaves you speachless, then turns you into a storyteller. Ich finde, das klingt sehr abenteuerlich. Und wahr. Als ich nach Spanien kam, hatte ich keine hochfliegenden Pläne, bis auf Spanisch lernen und ein bisschen die spanische Sonne genießen. Und dann auch noch nahe Granada!

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Lejlas Bericht

It is almost five months since I came in Halle/Germany as a participant of the „weltwärts“ program. Before that, I was two months in EVS program in Turkey so I knew that these two programs are similar and I thought it would be really easy for me. Like everything, this program has bad and good sides. You have an opportunity to meet young people and share opinions and experiences with them. It sounds easy but sometimes it is not easy to break some prejudices which you did not know that exist. Personally speaking, this program helped me a lot to develop my skills starting from communication with others and language skills as well. All this experience helps a volunteer to become independent and know how to handle things by himself.

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Nun sind vier Monate vorbei seitdem ich in Halle bin

Mein Name ist Muamera Tihić. Ich komme aus Sarajevo der Hauptstadt von Bosnien und Herzegowina. Ich habe mein Bachelor Diplom in Sozialarbeit und mache jetzt meinen Master in Journalismus. Das sind meine zwei Leidenschaften. Ich habe schon in den Medienbereich reingeschnuppert und habe ein Paar Praktika gemacht.

Ich arbeite im Kinder und Jugendhaus e.V. Wie der Name schon sagt ist das ein Zentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche, die sich jeden Tag nach der Schule treffen und abhängen können.

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Your voluntary service is going to be what you make out of it!


When people ask me how it is to be a volunteer for one year, I always say that it depends on you. Basically it is a very difficult question. Why? Because every personal experience, has a different story. We are 11 volunteers and each of us has his own personal story, perception and experience. When I applied for this project I didn’t knew that: my flat is going to be my new home, the other volunteers are going to be my new family and the place of assignment is going to be my motivation. You will learn how to live independently, but also with other volunteers. And after meeting these, at first new and unfamiliar people, I felt like I've known some of them my whole life. This year is a chance to explore one country, one culture, but the most yourself.

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Bericht von Sandra

Sandra im FK

Hello, Im Sandra from Macedonia. I arrived in Halle four months ago, in September 2016. Halle is small beautiful city where one can meet a lot of interesing people and as well enjoy variety of events. In all time period I spent here, one of the most amusing  areas is my working place. When I say amusing, I mean it is chalenging and dynamik. Beacuse this letter is mostly related to my working experience, I will stick to the subject of writing.

I have two places of assignement. One is the head Office of Freidenskreis e.V., where I spend three days, and the rest two days of the working week at the Pflanzgarten (Botanical Garden). At the beggining I find everything chalenging, which I think is pretty normal for every foreigner. Especialy because this was my very first time in Germany and I didn‘t actualy know what to expect. But as time passed, I discovered the right direction. The first month was addaptation period where I met all the coleagues and was introduced to the obligations. From this point on my presence started to have sense. Mainly work with the promotion material of Friedenskreis, designing and preparing  documents, meanwhile I offer my help whereever needed. That means, if someone of the colegues need some task to be done, I‘m there.

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Ornelas Bericht

Ornelas bericht

My name is Ornela  Alijagic and I come from Bosnia and Herzegowina. My volunteering work began with the trip to the unknown, with the people I didn't know.

It began 4 months ago. I had no idea what to expect, all I knew that I will work with children in Clara Zetkin e.V. Today these children are the reason for a smile on my face. They help me with my German and we have a lot of fun when I am at work. Children are from 8 to 18 years old. In my group the kids have their daily schedules which I also accepted.

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Besir reports about his 5 months of volunteering in Halle

"Life is the same for all, but is changing in some ways". From September last year I am part of project "Weltwärts" doing my voluntary service in  Lebenstraum e.V. What kind of place is Lebenstraum.e.V? It is a place where people with dissabilities are living. My main task is to help these people. I forced myself to find an opportunity to be close with them and this is happening thanks to my motivation.

The place where I work is a two-storey house with four inhabitants, living on the first floor. Four young boys under the age of 30 years, living on the second floor and four-year resident over the age of 30 (two girls and two boys). My duty is very simple I only help when it is needed. I started working from 15:00 to 21:00 during the day. Initially check all the rooms of residents to ensure that everything is alright then prepare coffee and tea.

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