Being volunteer in Halle and surrounding


International longterm voluntary services is one area of work of Friedenskreis Halle e.V. Within that area, we inform on such services, send volunteers abroad and host volunteers Germany.

In hosting volunteers from abroad in Germany we operate

  • as coordinating organisation for services in cooperation with different sending organisations abroad and at different places of assignment in Halle and surrounding and
  • as place of assignment ourselves.

We operate via the German program “weltwärts” to implement the developmental voluntary service “weltwärts”.

A service lasts 12 months and usually starts mid september each year.

We understand and designed our services as peace and learning services. We want to offer volunteers a opportunity to learn in different fields and to get involved with peace.
Regarding the activities taking place during the service this means, that a service comprises

  • Practical work in one or two place(es) of assignment (30h/week)
  • Active participation in the accompanying seminars (25days)
  • Service related activities (around 8h/week): Active participation in accompanying programme, implementation of own project, occupation with and/or engagement in topics and activities of (local) civil society, learning German in depth

We welcome everybody who meets the administrative criteria and feels ready for a service with us.


You want to know more?

For information about Friedenskreis Halle e.V., the specific upset of the service as peace and learning service, preparation of the service and living in Halle, check:

For information about the places of assignment we cooperate with, check the profiles for each:

  • Kita Marktspatzen, profile
  • Friedenskreis Halle e.V, profile
  • Kulturwerkstatt Grüne Villa, profile
  • Bürgerhaus „alternativE“, Humanistischer Regionalverband e.V., profile
  • KindElternZentrum Lieskau, profile
  • Passage 13 - sociocultural center in Halle-Neustadt, profile
  • Kindertagesstätte Bartholomäus, profile
  • S.C.H.I.R.M. Halle, profile

For information about the different types of services we offer check:


How to become a volunteer?

Please check the handout/announcement "Become a volunteer!".

For the service period September 2023 to September 2024 the application period is: 20.02.2024 - 20.03.2024. The application form can be downloaded from this homepage -  pdf.

Permanent partner organisation (operating as sending organisations):


Contact person:

Coordinator Peace services - International voluntary services in Halle and surrounding:

Ermal Progni  (ermal.progni [at] friedenskreis-halle [dot] de


Friedenskreis Halle e.V. supports the campaign „VisaWie? Gegen diskriminierende Visaverfahren!“. Further Informationen: here and on the campaign-website .





Förderung und Sponsoring

  Wir danken der Halleschen Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH für die Unterstützung des Bereichs Friedensdienste!