Lifestyle of volunteering and my everyday life - Pacifique 18.06.2019

My name is Pacifique Sugira, I am from Rwanda and I'm a volunteer at Friendenskreis Halle. My place of assignments are "Bürgerhaus e.V." and "Welcome treff". In this report I would like to introduce my everyday volunteer service and my own life.
I applied to be volunteer in Germany because I wanted to get to know how European people lives are like and how Germany looks like. In general I wanted to get more life expirience.
Right now I really appreciate to be in such a beautiful city (Halle) where you can get so many different things in so many special places.  I am amazed by the different sectors like education, building, hospitals, highway, trainway, airports as well. There is a lot to see. But at the beginning I faced a lot of  problems because of the language barrier. That was not easy for me during that time but now it's not still a problem.
According my working places I would like to start telling you about "Bürgerhaus e.V." It's a very  amazing place and I enjoy working there a lot. I'm  woking with kids betweenthe ages of 5 to 12 years. We do different things like workshops, swimming, dancing in disco, sleeping night with kids, shooting an arrow, teaching them handcrafts, preparing kids party and so on. I appreciate to be with the kids and spending my time with them. They are so brave and very talented. Even if they are kids, I learn more from them every day.
At my other place of assignment "Welcome treff" we provide different services for people such as helping people in their education, making coffee and tea for them, to print and copy their papers or other supportiv tasks.
In my free time most of time I spent on social media learning so many stuff, watching movies, talking to my family and friends from Rwanda. I also get out and take walk, play tennis with my friends, having some bier, eating together cherish each other, and going to different parties.
To be honest if i go back to my country I will miss Germany.
Thank you so much that's how it is. God bless you