My Day at Work - a report from Ivana Jurkić

Hello! My name is Ivana and i’m working in kindergarten Marktspatzen.

My every day is usually the same.  I come at kindergarten in morning, then we have a morning circle where we all together sing, read the book etc . After that sometimes we go outside and play in the yard or stay inside making something, painting or just play also.

On this pictures we are painting with bowls. So good and interesting technique and kids love that (i also :D )

Every two or three weekends we have another theme, for example last two weeks and also next two weeks the theme is castles, knight, king, queen, princesses and everyone who live in castle. In that purpose we go and visit one castle, Moritzburg.

After the morning circle and playing at 12h children have lunch and then they go to sleep till 14:30h. I have a little pause and help in the kitchen, clean our room, help other teachers in other groups etc.

After sleeping i help to wake up children and dress up them, then they have snack and after that we again play something, some children painting, making puzzles, playing UNO (only with four kids who have 4-5 years), reading books and some of them play on their own.

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