6 month project "Youth work in a post conflict society" finished
We are happy to share with the Friedenskreis community that together with our Ukrainian partner DC Pangeya Ultima (https://ngo.pangeya.org.ua/) (Instagram: pangeya.ultima) we have finished a 6 month project “Youth work in a post conflict society” supported by Ifa (https://www.ifa.de/) (instagram: ifa.de)
5 youth workers from Ukraine came for a Study visit to Friedenskreis Halle e.V. in August to get acquainted with our work areas, organizational structure and the city of Halle.
After the day with us they joined 4-day training “Conflict transformation in Youth work” which covered:
- Ways to approach conflicts in small groups and interpersonal communication
- Good practices of conflict transformation in work with young people
- Peculiarities of managing conflicts related to integration of people with migration background
- Prevention of escalation and deescalation strategies
- Exchange of experience, challenges and conditions of youth work in Germany and Ukraine
In September back in Ukraine Pangeya Ultima held an Online training «How to organize local events with a help of non-formal educational».
In October as a result of both trainings youth workers in order to multiply the effect managed to launch 4 events in Vinnytsia, Kyiv and Chernihiv for local communities with a focus on dialogue, conflict management, peace and non-violence, sustainability.
At our Final Event in November we were extremely pleased to find out that this action had a good response among Ukrainian youth, gathered 136 people and gave a start to new cooperations for the sake of the movement towards peaceful democratic society.
We would like to thank everyone involved in organization and participation of this solidarity action!