German Ukrainian training: Conflict transformation in Youth work

We invite educators to take part in the German-Ukrainian 4-day Training “Conflict transformation in Youth work” which will focus on: 

  • Ways to approach conflicts in small groups and interpersonal communication
  • Good practices of conflict transformation in work with young people
  • Peculiarities of managing conflicts related to integration of people with migration background
  • Prevention of escalation and deescalation strategies
  • Exchange of experience, challenges and conditions of youth work in Germany and Ukraine

Participant profile: 20+ y.o.
Background / experience in youth/ social/ educational work

Working language: English

Trainer: Agnes Sander

Dates: 20th – 23rd of August 2024 

Time: 9:30-16:30

Location: Halle (Saale)

Working language: English

Participation fee: 40/60/80

For registration please fill out the form:

  • The number of places is limited. The selected participants will receive the confirmation of participation and details of the training per email.

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